The Two Witnesses International News Network

A Lifetime of Leadership

CLICK HERE To Meet Our Leadership Team

It is the goal of Two Witnesses International News to report on political and current world events via; podcast & video streaming services and present the topics that directly impact the freedoms and lives of Christians worldwide. This will be done to expose the plans of the enemy, report Christian world view victories, and to equip the saints so they can become a more effective member of the kingdom of God.

 These are The Topics We Will Discuss in Our Segments:

  • END TIMES PROPHECY- What is happening now and what it means for the church and our planet.
  • BOOK OF REVELATION- Discussions on current events and how they relate to particular verses and themes
  • PATRIOTISM & CIVIC DUTY- Teachings on your rights and the Constitution and how to apply them to take back control of civic organizations on the stage and federal levels
  • THE 2ND COMING OF JESUS- What the Bible says about this and what are we as the church supposed two do and how we should prepare
  • FINANCIAL- MARKETS & MAJOR NEWS EVENTS- Teachings on understanding financial markets worldwide and how they affect your lives and finances and how to profit from these events relating directly to Bible Prophecy
  • PROBLEMS IN THE CHURCH RELATED TO EDUCATION AND CIVICS- Educating the church on their rights and how taking roles in local school boards, town councils and vitally important- County Sheriff’s, has a direct impact on our Liberty and freedom to express our Faith and raise our children
  • MOST IMPORTANTLY WE WILL DISCUSS SOLUTIONS, NOT JUST PROBLEMS- We will bring in experts on many of these subjects to educate the Church on appropriate actions and share Biblical strategies for overcoming many of these issues that impact our faith, family and freedom

Live Events

TWIN participates at local political and Christian events locaaly and on the national stage. We alsso can be reached to speak at your even to share our core beliefs and current objectives for the Body of Christ.

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Mission to America produces original content for podcasts INCLUDING: iTunes, Spotify, iHeart, and Rumble. Video Channels include: YouTube, The Blaze, Real Americas Voice, and The First. Our theme is Christ centered reporting directly related to current breaking local and national news that affects Christian living. We also produce content that is directly related current events and end times prophecy.

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Through our own print publishing arm we publish original content from a variety of authors, from non-fiction, children’s books, to fiction.

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Prior projects to show supporters what we have done

Soon: This will be where the lastest from what happening around ther globe. New vidoes are curently in production along with our podcasts. Check back for new uploads.

YouTube Channel

Our Leadership Team

Our family arrived in Jamestown Virginia in the early 1600's, and are direct descendants of the Rev. Thomas Hampton, of the original Jamestowwn, VA settlement. When we say we have family roots in America and have shed blood for this great countery, we can say assuredly that, yes, we do have proper standing.

Believer Since 1958

Rocky Jordache

Chuck, an ordained Minister, was called into ministry from and early age and was the child of promise to his aging parents. Hearing the audible voice of God in his pre-teen years he faithfully served God and suffered persecution throughout these years. He has had dramatic encounters supernaturally with Heavenly Angels and more. He has managed an original TBN broadcast station, produced Christian documentaries and commercial productions for over 20 years. He has faithfully served under national ministries as well as the local Body offering his unique insight into End Times Prophecy and sharing his Prophetic Calling.

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Believer Since 1978

Charles William Jordache

"Liam" has a wide range of experiences in the Body of Christ. He has served as a Pastor, church-planter, Worship leader and team builder. He has also served as an Intercessory Harp & Bowl Prayer leader. As for video production, he has been a cameraman & video editor for an international weekly broadcast, and also written, produced and filmed a church growth documentary. He has provided training and demonstrations to churches about Servant Evangelism outreach along with video production of these events. His most recent venture now takes him into the calling of an author. His latest book is called “I Pledge Allegiance to the King”, available fall of 2023.

Personal Statement

“And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth.

These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth. And if any man will hurt them, fire proceedeth out of their mouth, and devoureth their enemies: and if any man will hurt them, he must in this manner be killed.” — Revelation 11:3-5

Our Events

Below are some of the recent messsages for our team or our friends. Please check back periodcailly for updates.

March 10, 2050

Message Soon

Under construction

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March 20, 2050

Message Soon

Under Construction

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March 25, 2050

Message Soon

Under Construction

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