Charles William Jordache or "Liam", as his friends call him, has a wide range of experiences in the Body of Christ. Liam gave his heart to the Lord on a Sunday night in 1978 at Calvary Assembly in Orlando, FL. He has served as a Pastor, church-planter, Worship leader and team builder. He has also served as an Intercessory Harp & Bowl Worship Prayer leader. As for video production, he has been a cameraman & video editor for an international weekly broadcast, and also written, produced and filmed a church growth documentary. He has provided training and demonstrations to churches about Servant Evangelism outreach along with the video production of these events. His most recent project takes him into the calling of an author. His latest book is called “I Pledge Allegiance to the King”, and is writen to help westernized Christians understand that they are living as Ambassadors of the Kingdom of Christ here on this earth. It will be available fall of 2023.

A Mission & Vision Statement from Liam:

I am here, to introduce myself to you, and to plead the case for what I believe God has been showing me in prayer. I am deeply saddened and burdened by what is happening to the moral fabric of the country I love and what is happening daily in the streets of our communities and the apparent lack of concern from many of our churchs so called leaders. We are now living in what I believe are the final birth pangs before Christs second coming. That is why I am so concerned and feel such urgency to produce the content that I will be sharing with you.

First, let me share with you what I believe some of the major things happening are, and then I will share with you what I believe our response should be to them, and why I am compelled to take on this task.

We live in unprecedented times; government has run amok, there is gross government corruption and abuse of power, and severe apathy in the church as a whole in America.

The "deep state" has crossed constitutional lines by interfering with the operation of the church with lockdowns and other tyrannical rules. They have used the department of justice and the court system to interfere with our democratic process. This was never the intention of the founding fathers and it must be stopped.

We are facing a critical election coming up next year and it’s veracity must be ensured if we are to continue as a free nation “under God” as our history has proclaimed.

The current culture, or "the spirit of the age" has also crept into the church, and it must be confronted. The acceptance of gay pride events and drag queen story hour, to outright Marxism from our pulpits declaring CRT should be acknowledged and accepted, has infiltrated and polluted the Body of Christ.

I believe what must be done is for real men of God with conviction and integrity to stand up and do their part by facing this evil head on and claiming the territory for the kingdom of God.  Ahab must be exposed and rooted out of the church, and the Elijah spirit must be allowed to sift the wheat and the tares so that the real fathers can lead the church and their families.

The future of this nation depends on these men doing the hard and honorable things. Our goal, with the content we produce, is to equip these men with the knowledge necessary to defeat spiritual enemies, and to support righteousness and take our place as true emissaries or ambassadors of the kingdom of God here on this earth as intended by Christ.

We can no longer tolerate or coexist with Baal, the spirit of the age. This demonic power is showing it’s blood thirst for infant sacrifice, human trafficking, and celebrating the mutilation our children that are created in the image of God.

The church can no longer allow the schools, at all levels, the medical butchers, and sorcerers to practice their witchcraft on our children.  

These Anti-Christian Marxist are now flaunting their power openly in front of every citizen of this country. We know however, pride, comes before the fall.

It is vitally important that the church arm itself with the knowledge and tools necessary to defeat this wickedness. Boldness tempered with humility is the Christians most underutilized weapon.

We know we have not been given the spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind. We are called to a life of faith because whatever is not of faith is sin. Living in fear is living in sin. It is time to actually be as bold as a lion.

This is the call we must all respond to, and to put on the full armor of God and face down this evil before it is too late for not only this country, but the entire church in America.

Join me, as we embark on this mission to expose the plans of the enemy, purge the pulpits from their weak at best, and heretical doctrines at worst, to take back the territory these principalities have usurped and together work to turn this country back to God. —— Back to its roots as a God fearing nation. Thank you.

II Tim 4:2 as always. 

Liam Jordache

Liam and son on local news during the 2006 Presidential election cycle.


These are The Topics We Will Discuss in Our Segments:

  • END TIMES PROPHECY- What is happening now and what it means for the church and our planet.
  • BOOK OF REVELATION- Discussions on current events and how they relate to particular verses and themes
  • PATRIOTISM & CIVIC DUTY- Teachings on your rights and the Constitution and how to apply them to take back control of civic organizations on the stage and federal levels
  • THE 2ND COMING OF JESUS- What the Bible says about this and what are we as the church supposed two do and how we should prepare
  • FINANCIAL- MARKETS & MAJOR NEWS EVENTS- Teachings on understanding financial markets worldwide and how they affect your lives and finances and how to profit from these events relating directly to Bible Prophecy
  • PROBLEMS IN THE CHURCH RELATED TO EDUCATION AND CIVICS- Educating the church on their rights and how taking roles in local school boards, town councils and vitally important- County Sheriff’s, has a direct impact on our Liberty and freedom to express our Faith and raise our children
  • MOST IMPORTANTLY WE WILL DISCUSS SOLUTIONS, NOT JUST PROBLEMS- We will bring in experts on many of these subjects to educate the Church on appropriate actions and share Biblical strategies for overcoming many of these issues that impact our faith, family and freedom

Prior projects to show supporters what we have done

Heres the lastest from what happening around ther globe. New videos are curently in production along with our podcasts. Check back for new uploads.

Visit our YouTube Channel

“And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth.

These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth. And if any man will hurt them, fire proceedeth out of their mouth, and devoureth their enemies: and if any man will hurt them, he must in this manner be killed.” — Revelation 11:3-5

Our Events

Below are some of the recent messsages for our teaam or our friends. Please check back periodcailly for updates.

March 10, 2050

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March 20, 2050

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March 25, 2050

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